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Temple Emanuel Brotherhood

Serving Temple Emanuel by ...

    * Stimulating Jewish Religious Activities
    * Fostering Cultural and Educational Advancement
    * Promoting the Spirit of Brotherhood and Friendship

The Temple Emanuel Brotherhood was formed in September 2003 largely as a result of the efforts of Steve Davidson, our founding President. The Brotherhood gathers regularly at monthly Sunday bagel brunch meetings and sponsors several annual and periodic events.

About the Brotherhood…
The Temple Emanuel Brotherhood was formed in September of 2003. Since then, we have become a dynamic and integral force in Temple life. There is a fellowship and collective willingness to take on any challenge or project, which will enhance our congregational experience. The Brotherhood gathers monthly on Sunday mornings for a brunch, which is open to all Temple members. We sponsor several annual events and speakers on timely educational and cultural topics. Also, you will often find us in the Temple kitchen in force as we cook for congregational Shabbat and holiday meals such as Hanukkah, Passover and the annual dinner that precedes the Temple’s Purim Spiel. We sponsor an annual congregational picnic; and from time to time, we honor our moms and wives by sponsoring and preparing a fabulous Mother’s Day Brunch. Finally, the Brotherhood often caters for family life cycle events as well as for community events sponsored by or co-sponsored with the Roanoke Jewish Federation and Beth Israel Synagogue such as the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra and The Roanoke Jewish Food Festival. We welcome your ideas for additional cultural, educational and social events.

A Sampling of Projects…
Ready, willing and able, we will lend our assistance to any Temple Emanuel project in need of able bodies. Annually, we erect the Temple’s Sukkah, and maintain the Temple’s landscaping beds, weeding and freshening mulch, as needed. Join us in building the spirit of Brotherhood while serving the Temple’s needs. The rewards of fellowship and friendship are beyond measure!

Along the way, we raise funds for worthy causes, an example of which is the March of the Living (click here to hear about our congregants' experiences with March of the Living).

Our men of Brotherhood toil in a spirit of extraordinary fellowship, striving to make our Congregation a warm and caring community. We welcome your ideas for additional cultural, educational, and social events, which the Brotherhood can sponsor. 

Mission Statement

"The Temple Emanuel Brotherhood exists to serve and cooperate with Temple Emanuel in stimulating Jewish religious activities, fostering cultural and educational advancement among its members and the Congregation and Jewish people at large, promoting through social interaction the spirit of brotherhood and friendship within its midst and advancing the work of brotherhood through affiliation with, and support for, the aims and purposes of any organization, federation or society approved by its members."

In the Spirit of
Brotherhood and

Brotherhood Dinner


Make New Friends ...
You see them each week or month in Temple and you may know their name, but do you really know who they are? The Brotherhood provides opportunities for you to meet and get to know your fellow congregants. Imagine the friendships you’ll make with congregants with similar interests.

Have Fun ...
Whether you’re helping prepare and serve at a monthly brunch or one of our dinners, playing auctioneer at our Auction Night fundraiser, or pulling weeds and spreading mulch on one of our landscaping Sundays with other men of the Brotherhood, you won’t be able to wipe that smile off your face from all the fun we have together.

You Belong ...
We’re building a special community where people can be themselves and express their Jewish identity to any degree they wish. Think of it as another support network for you…where you belong…with us…in the Temple Emanuel Brotherhood!

Join the Brotherhood

It is my pleasure to invite you to join the Temple Emanuel Brotherhood. Full membership rights are extended to any man who is a Temple member in good standing, affirming his faithful attachment to Reform Judaism and ascribing to the purposes of the Brotherhood. We also welcome any man who affirms his faithful attachment to Judaism and who subscribes to the purposes of the Brotherhood as an associate member entitled to all rights and privileges of membership except the right to hold office. Simply complete the sign-up form, which is provided for your convenience in this brochure, and return it to the Temple office or to any of the Brotherhood officers. Once you have joined, I encourage you to serve on a Committee or to help with any of the Brotherhood projects or events. It is a great way to get to know and enjoy the fellowship of the members.

Stuart Katz,
Brotherhood President

The Brotherhood Sign-Up Form can be found here.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784