The Temple Emanuel Sisterhood warmly welcomes all adult women members of the Congregation. We come together to support our community through a variety of engaging activities and events. Whether it's hosting the Oneg after Rosh Hashana Eve services or preparing the Break the Fast meal following Yom Kippur, we are always busy with meaningful tasks. We also prepare Seder plates for everyone attending and offer Shalach Manot boxes as a fun Purim fundraiser.
But it's not all work! We meet 2-3 times a month for a mix of activities. Our monthly meetings often feature a guest speaker or a special activity. We also enjoy outings to the Taubman Museum, craft nights, and cooking classes. Once a month, we gather for a purely social event called Picnic in the Park, which started during COVID to help us stay connected. For book and movie lovers, our Sisterhood Reads/Watches group offers a chance to discuss our latest picks, either in person or via Zoom.
Join us for camaraderie, fun, and the joy of supporting our Temple Emanuel community!