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Jewish Community Preschool

Our Jewish Community Preschool (JCP) is one of the finest in the area. Sponsored jointly by Temple Emanuel and Beth Israel, the preschool offers small classes, loving teachers, Jewish education and celebration, and special visits with the Rabbis; our children thrive and grow daily. Our enrichment programs include Spanish, cooking, bricks for kids, jogging club, and soccer to name just a few! The annual spaghetti dinner and book fair are highlights of the year.

To learn more about out offerings, check out this infographic from the Temple Emanuel Bulletin or visit the JCP website. Chen Greenberg is the Director and can be reached at Temple Emanuel at (540) 342-3378.

Shalom School

We are very proud to participate in our Shalom School. In a small city with a limited number of Jewish children, we believe that it is important for all of the Jewish children to know each other. The mission of the Shalom is to develop and maintain Jewish identity, to create a foundation for lifelong learning, and to foster a sense of K'lal Israel.

The Shalom School has three divisions:

Lower School is for students in pre-kindergarten through grade 5

Junior Academy is for students in grades 6-8

Senior Academy or High School is for students in grades 9-12. Classes meet on Sunday mornings, as follows:

  • Though the Shalom School teaches holidays, lifecycles and history, the curriculum is value-based with an emphasis on living a Jewish life. Constantly innovating and reflecting on better ways to reach our children, the Shalom School serves our children well.

    Marci Brumberg is the Director
    (540) 314-1212

Hebrew School and Adult Education

From the Rabbi …

This year will bring many opportunities to increase your Jewish knowledge. Our tradition tells us that without the study of Torah, we are like fish without water. Please join us often for enrichment and Jewish fulfillment. Hopefully these offerings provide something for everyone! Please take advantage of these opportunities and make this year one of higher learning and increased Jewish awareness.

Adult Education strives to provide congregants with meaningful Jewish experiences to help them grow intellectually and spiritually. Through programming, participants explore various aspects of Jewish religion, culture, and heritage. The goal of Adult Education is to instill a deeper sense of Jewish identity and community in those who participate.

Basic Judaism and Hebrew Classes
Classes for congregants who want to learn about basic Jewish holidays and life-cycle observances. The beginning Hebrew class will teach participants how to read Hebrew phonetically. More advanced Hebrew classes are also offered.

Further Information
More information can be found on our Adult Education page and there are Adult Education brochures located outside the Sanctuary. The monthly Temple Bulletin provides descriptions of speakers, topics, and dates.



Our Senior Youth Group - SCOTTY - is open to all Jewish youth in the 8th through 12th grades. SCOTTY is very active in regional events, runs the monthly Kids’ Night Out program, has many social events and in 2016 will be hosting Fall Kallah, during which several hundred students from around the region will be coming to Roanoke the last weekend in October for a weekend of learning and socializing. Lior Bitton is our Youth advisor and  can be reached at the Temple Emanuel office at (540) 342-3378.

The full page for SCOTTY is here,

March Of The Living

For over a decade, Temple Emanuel has been sending our older High School students on this life changing trip to Poland and Israel. Through the kindness of the Sam and Marion Golden Helping Hands Foundation, the Roanoke Jewish Federation, The Black Fund, the Sisterhood, the Brotherhood and SCOTTY, the vast majority of the trip is sponsored for each teen. The students and their families also develop fundraising programs. After a week of visiting death camps and other Holocaust atrocities, the students travel to Israel to witness first hand the resiliency of the Jewish people. This is a trip about creating strong memories and honoring the lives lost. It is also about understanding that our Jewish future is vibrant and strong. Chen Greenberg teaches the required year long class and accompanies the students. Rabbi Cohen often joins the trip as well.

URJ Summer Camps

Each summer Temple Emanuel proudly sends many of our 4th-10th graders off to summer camps sponsored by the Union for Reform Judaism. Our youth tend to particularly love the new specialized camps. For example, some students attended the URJ Six Points Academy in Greensboro, NC, and sharpened their sports skills while living in a Jewish environment. Others have all returned to the Six Points Sci-Tech camp outside of Boston, MA, for two weeks of science fun and the opportunity to sing, pray and live Jewishly. And others have followed in the steps of many of our youth leaders over the years and attended Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY – our movement’s High School leadership camp. They have returned with amazing skills and ideas to aid our senior youth group. We are so thankful that the Teitlebaum Youth Fund and the Jane Black Fund ensure that Jewish summer camping is affordable for all of our students.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784