Support Overview
Temple Emanuel depends upon the support of our members and those in our community. We owe our existence to those first families who in 1889 came together and pooled their resources to ensure that our Congregation is a place of refuge, a haven in which people can continue to be part of a community, connect with one another, reflect, pray, dream, ask questions, and seek answers. That was true then and it remains true today. The belief our members have in Temple Emanuel through their support and involvement takes many forms. We encourage you to avail yourself of whichever method of support is most comfortable for you.
Temple Emanuel provides opportunities to contribute to a wide array of funds designated for general and specific Temple or charitable purposes. You can make a donation by mailing a check to Temple Emanuel and letting us know to which of these funds you want to contribute. You can also donate to Temple through our Kroger Bucks program.
Want to Donate?
Please send your check payable to:
Temple Emanuel
1163 Persinger Road S.W.
Roanoke, VA 24015.
You can designate one or more of the funds and make your contribution in recognition of a specific person or event. Also, if you want the honoree or his/her family to receive an acknowledgment of your contribution, please provide the name and address of the person to whom the Temple Office should mail the acknowledgment.
Volunteer at the Temple
Temple Emanuel relies heavily on the involvement of its members. Individuals come together to plan programs, manage events, and serve on leadership committees, contributing their time and talents to the overall well being of the Congregation. If you would like to join the ranks of the Temple’s vibrant lay leaders, please do so!
Finding the right fit for your interests and talents is perhaps the first step. If you’d like to become involved, please reach out to a member of the Temple’s staff or clergy.
Planned Giving
Securing the Temple's Future
Our Temple represents a wonderful blend of people from many countries and walks of life. Our doors are open to all who wish to learn about Judaism, explore their Jewish heritage, or deepen their Jewish commitment.
In order to ensure that we can continue to provide a welcoming environment and nourishing atmosphere in the years to come, we must take steps to secure the Temple’s financial future. The Temple’s resources are finite. Yearly dues are simply not enough to enable us to sustain our services and programs. Jewish tradition teaches that one of our key responsibilities is to make the world a better place for our children and grandchildren. Tzdekah can take many forms, and A Promise For Tomorrow is a program that has been established to help you design a planned gift that is beneficial to you and your family.
Creating your own Jewish legacy ensures that you will be remembered and that your values will continue when you are no longer here. It also serves as an example to your loved ones that you believe it’s important to support the Jewish community.
While concerns about your own and your family’s financial security may make it difficult to make an outright gift right now, a planned gift to Temple Emanuel can fulfill your desire to make a meaningful gift, satisfy your financial concerns, offer you significant tax advantages and help advance Temple Emanuel’s mission. Contributions are tax deductible and may provide opportunities in one’s estate planning which benefit the donor, their family, and The Temple.
The legacy planning process can engender heartfelt conversations with your family and build bonds with your partners in the community.
A Variety of Options Exist
- An outright gift using appreciated assets or cash
- A life insurance policy
- An IRA or pension plan
For other options, check with the Temple Emanuel Development and Legacy Committee or your own financial, legal or accounting advisors.