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Mitzvah Projects

SCOTTY ( Star City Organization of Terrific Temple Youth ) the Temple's youth group, performs numerous Mitzvah Projects that benefit both the Temple and the community at large. Our young people Trick or Treat on Halloween for RAM House (when Halloween doesn’t fall on Shabbat), serve lunch at RAM on Easter, collect and weigh food donations to RAM on Yom Kippur, and are in charge of cleaning Persinger Road from Brambleton Ave. to Colonial Ave.

To raise funds during 2009-10, the youth group did a yard sale on Labor Day, collecting things from the congregation to sell. We also did a Phone-a-Thon. We also participated in Local Colors in downtown Roanoke to raise awareness of Israel. Raising funds for the March of the Living has been an ongoing project, since the trip is made every two years. The yard sale raised about $1,600 to help the students with their expenses for the trip.

To learn more about SCOTTY, click here.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784