Our Brotherhood was formed in 2003 and has been a dynamic and integral force of Temple Emanuel life. The Brotherhood gathers monthly on Sunday mornings for a delicious brunch, cooks Chanukah dinner, our Passover seder and special Shabbat dinners, explores religious and cultural issues, has social gatherings and supports Temple Emanuel in every way possible. New ideas are always welcome. Stuart Katz is our Brotherhood President.
Family Promise
We were one of the first congregations participating in Family Promise, then called Interfaith Hospitality Network. As one of 31 participating faith-based organizations we provide food, overnight hosts, and shelter to homeless families with children. The families are drug free and have no violent criminal history. With the help of the case manager and the housing stability coordinator, over 80% of these families return to permanent housing and full time employment. Through our efforts, we are changing the reality for these families in need. Debby and Jeff Miller and Marie Bliss are our coordinators.
RAM House (Roanoke Area Ministries) provides warm lunches, and short term financial help to people in need. Once a month we have a great crew of committed congregants who cook all of the food for lunch. We also participate in a Yom Kippur food drive to help stock the kitchen at RAM House. Our teens volunteer every Easter Sunday to relieve others who would like to be in church. Providing for the hungry is a Jewish obligation and RAM House gives us the opportunity to fulfill this responsibility. Ed Cornbleet can answer your questions and get you involved.
Remembering the Children: A Special Memorial Project
As you know, 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. Of that number, 1,500,000 were children. Temple Emanuel is collecting pull-top tabs of any kind (off of soup, soda, beer, vegetables, pet food, etc.). Our goal is to reach 1,500,000 pull-top tabs, with each tab representing a child lost.
When we reach our goal a memorial service will be held for the congregation and the community with an emphasis on local school classes studying the Holocaust. After the presentation, all tabs will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House. Additional information, when it becomes available, will be posted in the monthly Bulletin.
Shirley McNeil chairs this project and has reached out to people around the country and all over Roanoke to reach our goal. As of October 2016, we were just about 1/3 of the way to the goal.
Please help us by collecting tabs and dropping them off in the box at the front of the building.