The positions of the Reform Movement are based primarily in two sources: Resolutions adopted by the Union for Reform Judaism, and resolutions adopted by the Central Conference of American Rabbis.
With regard to the resolutions adopted by the Union for Reform Judaism, ultimately it is the members of Reform congregations who set the policy for the Movement. During the Union for Reform Judaism’s Biennial General Assembly, delegates from the over 900 member congregations consider and vote on resolutions that reflect the consensus positions of our membership. This democratic process and the commitment of the Reform Movement to speak out on issues of concern is as old as the Movement itself, and is evidenced by the hundreds of resolutions adopted since its inception.
Both the CCAR and the Union's database of resolutions may be searched by topic, date or keyword.
Resolutions of the Union for Reform Judaism
Resolutions of the Central Conference of American Rabbis
Reform Platforms adopted by the Central Conference of American Rabbis